Saturday, August 23, 2008

Forex Funnel

Forex Funnel ($19.90)

Take a look at the results below, over $462,000 profit from 4 years trading which equates to over $115,000 per year pure profit. As you can see this is not a system that has been optimized for certain market conditions and breaks down as soon as you start trading. It is a combination of funnel like signaling methods that has outperformed competitors over a long period of time.

This system has been designed so that even the most computer illiterate person can setup and profit from it. Even if the most you have ever used your internet for is browsing ebay or checking emails, you will still be able to use this system to funnel money. But don’t think this is restricted to newbies, if you are a proven forex trader - you can profit from this system even faster, however it does not distinguish between skillsets, it simply makes money for ANYONE, anywhere in the world that has an internet connection...

This complex combination of funnel style digging to the core of currency data, and ripping up the foundation of its trends to predict its next moves is.Imagine a robot on autopilot, simply taking the markets for a data pull/sort/act routine, and at each turn/trade it makes, YOU make MORE profit! As long as your computer is on, you can take advantage of these data mining capabilities and get the best spreads, the sure shot signals, and the take out any middle man to eliminate the risk of his/her human flaws.

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